If You have iSpindel then first change settings on the iSpindel management

Turn on your Ispindel and change the Configuration parts in the WiFi manager to:

SSID: nautilis-controller (If you have changed the AP SSID then enter the changed ssid here.)
PASS: nautilis-ispindel ssid password  (If you have changed the AP Password then enter the changed pass here. The relay comes with a piece of paper with your password written on it.)
iSpindel name: 1-enter_your_name //The first character of the name must be a number. A maximum of 16 characters may be in the name of iSpindel. Some special characters take up more space, so make that number smaller. If the name is too large, there is a possibility of periodic resetting of the device.
Service Type: HTTP
Token: leave blank! // If there is a space here, the device will not connect.
Server address:
Server port:
Path/URI: /gravity

Don’t forget on the calibration formula! Use the SG calibration table located at this link.

If you use 2 iSpindels:

All settings are the same as on the first iSpindel, except that the name of the second iSpindel must start with the number 2:
iSpindel name: 2-enter_your_name // first digit and then name (max 16 characters)

Nautilis Controller management system

View and edit Controller settings (no internet required)

To view and change the device settings, first connect to the WiFi network that the device transmits, which is usually: nautilis-controller. After connecting to the network, some devices automatically open the Internet browser, and some require you to open the Internet browser and go to the address:

After that, the Nautilis Controller managment home page opens where you can view and edit the following settings:

-Configuration (configuration of your WiFi network,Blynk)

Leaving one of the fields blank will save it as blank. The current settings view is at the bottom of the page. After saving, the device needs to be physically restarted, or you can use the Nautilis Controller management and the Reboot menu to make the changes active.

– Management (Selecting the number of available hydrometers, set desired temp, hysteresis, delay, set high, low alarms and gravity alarm, number of active termometers, number of active relays…)

-Firmware Update Over-the-Air programming (OTA) is a wireless upgrade of the device firmware. Opening the menu will open you an upgrade page. You find the latest firmware on the device you connected to the website and upload the same to the system. when you get the notification Ok, the firmware has been successfully upgraded.

– Measured data

-Reboot – Opening this link will reboot the device.

Blynk mobile app (Midi Controller)

Blynk application installed on your mobile phone is required for full functionality.

To start using it:
1. Download Blynk App: http://j.mp/blynk_Android or http://j.mp/blynk_iOS
2. Touch the QR-code icon and point the camera to the code below (You need 5600 Blynk energy)
3. Enjoy in app!

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